Chronos Capital is a leading financial advisory & valuation firm, specializing inPrivate Company and Fund valuations. It provides valuation and related software services to venture capital and private equity backed early and growth stage companies, middle market private companies and venture capital/private equity funds. Chronos provides critical business services to emerging firms raising capital, issuing securities, buying companies and heading towards a merger or sale.

We provide financial opinions, securities valuation and corporate advisory services to private firms, venture capital and private equity funds as well as high net worth individuals that require expert opinions on pricing, structure, fairness, financial reporting or tax in connection with securities/options issuance, mergers & acquisitions, divestitures, equity allocation, disputes and intangible assets.

The firm also provides software services through it’s CapGuru product, which helps manage equity ownership structures for private firms and enables to control all their documents and issue securities from a single place.

Our commitment to service is matched by our intense focus on delivering results. Our process has been carefully crafted to deliver independent, thoroughly supported, on-time and credible valuations to clients.

The Team

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Sanjay Gandhi, Esq., BCL Oxon
Managing Member

Sanjay brings over two decades of experience across law, management consulting/finance, venture capital and valuation to bear in his role with the company and serves as an unparalleled though-partner and advisor to clients on the issues they care the most about.

He is an attorney and member of the New York Bar, and has served on the Executive Committee of the Venture Capital & Technology group. He graduated with a Masters in Law from the University of Oxford.

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